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How would you feel if you found out you were conceived by rape? Would you be angry ? How about bitter ?
Elder John Donelson is a husband,father,Man of God, business owner, writer and an inspiration to many.
For years he knew there was something missing in his life.
At the age of 38 he discovered the shocking secret of his conception. His mother was raped and chose to keep the innocent child- that child was John. Read "The Missing Pieces 2 My Purpose."
Listen as Nicole Cleveland talks to John candidly about his feelings, his struggles and his purpose.
John and his wife Charlene founded a ministry titled Arrested Development . The title is used to describe the occurrence in the human body when a person has experienced something so traumatic in their childhood that it may allow them to grow physically, but be still stunted in their emotional, relational, and spiritual development.
John is also a writer for Breathe Again Magazine. Join us as we talk about his latest article, " A Man's Pride"